Vocal Training
Group Singing
Vocal Training
Group Singing
sing smart + sing well
Photo, video & AUDIO consent form
This is to be completed by the parent/carer for each child under 16 year old that participates in a Bluesky Singing provision where photos, videos, and audio are captured.
Name of Parent / Carer
First Name
Last Name
Parent / Carer Email Address
This may be used only in relation to the permission/s sought to be collected and/or the named activity.
The date and activity the photo/video/audio consent is for (eg. 2/10/18 Nina's Recording Party)
Name of Child
The child under 16 (on the date of the activity) that you are providing permission for.
First Name
Last Name
I, as parent/carer, grant Bluesky Singing and/or their sub-contractor (ie. selected professional photographer) permission to take photos and/or videos of my child, named above. I grant full rights to Bluesky Singing to use the images resulting from the photography and/or video filming and audio capturing during the named activity, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images and audio for publicity or other purposes to help achieve Bluesky Singing's aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications. I understand that the use of these images (photos and videos) and the associated audio will be used in accordance to relevant Policies and that no names of under 16s will be attached to the images publicly by Bluesky Singing without the collection of an additional consent beforehand. I understand that any sub-contractor (ie. selected professional photographer) is under obligation to gather their own consent should they endeavor to use the resulting images for their own use. I am aware of the Privacy Policy and Contact form provided on this website.
Thank you!